Sunday, May 11, 2014

Adding a sweet little spoonful to the Gould family!

 First, Happy Mother's Day. I am so very blessed by my mother and I love showing love to her every day, as often as possible. :)

JP and I are so very excited to announce that we are expecting a sweet little baby in November. We are due November 18th. I am holding out for November 20th though. ;) It is my grandmother's birthday and this will be her first great-grandchild! I just think that would be so sweet.

Poppa and Marmie are very excited about becoming first time grandparents. 

So far I have been blessed and not been too terribly sick. Today was probably the worst yet. Unfortunately, I had to miss church and after lunch with the family I am back in bed resting. 
Our little Squidget has a strong heart beat and got a healthy check up from the doctor this past Monday. Car rides do not agree with me most of the time, causing nausea and headaches but not making me actually sick. We do NOT like any form of Sausage. Ha!

Maybe this will be the kick I needed to get me out of my blogging slump, but I am not making any promises. 


  1. Congrats on the baby! I'm so excited for you guys! And yes, I do agree that you need to get back to blogging more regularly especially if it means we get to hear all about the baby!
